Saturday, February 16, 2008

Movie Review: Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show

I woke up late today looking forward to what has sort of become a ritual for me on Saturdays in LA, catching a matinee by myself at one of the theaters close by my house. Lucky for me only a few days ago I was awarded two free movie passes at the company I work for because I was dressed “sharply” on the day the board members were visiting. That’s right the adult equivalent of a gold star for cleanest desk in 2nd grade home-room. The movie I chose was Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show because it was of particular interest to me given all the stand up I try to do. It also is a movie that I feel personally invested in from spending time with some of the comics that it features.

The movie is sort of set up as if it were a documentary and is basically what the title says it is…Vince Vaughn puts together a show and you (the movie-goer) follow this process.

When I first came to Hollywood I started spending time at the Comedy Store on Sunset Blvd. and it seemed that there was never a night that I didn’t hear somebody mention this movie, it seemed like it would never come out. I heard countless hosts bring up comics with “This guy is in a new movie with Vince Vaughn give it up for…” and I heard folks telling stories about what happened during the making of it. Gradually I got to know some of the guys in the movie, though I don’t know any of them all that well, they seem pretty cool. Anyway, I realized about a week ago that it had come out and so I was anxious to see it. This is my first review so stick with me.

My review:

It’s pretty good. I was pleased that I chose to see it. There were a few moments in which the guys in the film seemed to speak from a sincere place that really rang true for me as a comic,
mostly stuff about insecurities and the things you think about when you are chasing that type of career. Over all I liked it and I have seen all of these guys perform their jokes over and over again, so that has to mean something. Of course that is my disclaimer also, I enjoy stand up and I watch it all the time so of course this movie was good for me. I can’t even begin to place myself in the shoes of everyone else that will see the film because stand up has become such a big part of my life in the last few years. That’s it. That’s my review. I do look forward to talking with some of the guys in the movie, if they’re not already sick of discussing it. Oh yeah, and I learned that Vince Vaughn is a big fan of Buck Owens a performer that I’ve always loved, so he received definite points for that.

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